Josh Rome, woodblock artist
Joshua Rome, woodblock prints
Joshua Rome, japanese art
Joshua Rome, woodblock printer
Josh Rome, woodblock artist
Josh Rome, japanese prints
Joshua Rome, woodblock prints
Joshua Rome, woodblock prints of japan
Joshua Rome, japanese woodblock prints

Josh Rome, japanese prints

Josh Rome, japanese prints

Josh Rome, japanese prints

Choyo 1983 / /100 / 55x25.3 cm

I have often thought about why people collect art, and
the most cogent reasons I can think of is that (1) they
love beauty and (2) they love money! Excellent thinking
in both cases.

Anyone who subscribes to either or both of those
reasons would do well to investigate the delightful work
of Joshua Rome, who has undertaken a mammoth task
in his woodblock prints. In addition to creating works of
undeniable beauty, he has worked to preserve a culture
which, even as these words are written, is changing so
rapidly that future generations will have problems finding
the old Japan. They will find it in Rome's work, but his is
not an exercise in nostalgia. It is an aesthetic statement
which will survive on its own merits.

Al Hershfield
July 2, 1991

Josh Rome, japanese prints